

Fr Kyk-Over-Al
Fr See Over All


Fr Revue qui a été relancée en 1984 par A. J. Seymour et Ian McDonald.

Lieu de publication


Fr Seymour, Arthur James (Guyana)
Fr Collymore, Frank Appleton (Barbade)
Fr Harris, Wilson (Guyana)
Fr Mittelholzer, Edgar (Guyana)
Fr Carter, martin (Guyana)
Fr Van Sertima, Ivan (Guyana)
Fr Ramchand, Kenneth (Trinité-et-Tobago)

Dates de publication

Fr 1945


Fr 255249

Références bibliographiques

Fr Sander, Reinhard. "The Quest for Form: Wilson Harris’s Contributions to Kyk-Over-Al". World Literature Written in English, 1983, 22-1, p. 17–27.
Fr Sander, Reinhard. W. “The Impact of Literary Periodicals on the Development of West Indian Literature and Cultural Independence”. In Maes-Jelinek, Hena. éd. Commonwealth literature and the modern world. Bruxelles : Librairie Marcel Didier, 1975, p. 25-32.
Fr Graßl, Franziska Anna Theresa. ‘Gewoon een Land Zijn’. Psycho-Postcolonial Perspectives on National Identity and Belonging in Guyana and Suriname: A Comparative Reading of Anglophone and Dutch Caribbean Literature. Th. doct. : Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität München, 2016.
Fr Hughes, Michael. A Companion to West Indian Literature. Londres : Collins, 1979.
Fr Irving, Claire Catherine. Printing the West Indies: Literary magazines and the Anglophone Caribbean 1920s-1950s. Th. doct. : Newcastle University, 2015.
Fr Seymour, Arthur James. Themes of Song. An anthology of Guianese poetry. Georgetown : 1954.
Fr Sander, Reinhard W. "An index to KYK‐Over‐Al 1945 ‐ 1961". World Literature Written in English, 1977, nº 16, p. 421-461.
Fr Book Review: KYK-OVER-AL, Vol. 2, No. 7. Caribbean Quarterly, 1949, 1-1, p. 34.

Pour citer cette ressource

Seymour, Arthur James (Guyana), "Kyk-Over-Al", SISMO (Portail Mondial des Revues), consulté le 31 mars 2025,