The Crisis


Fr The Crisis


Fr Organe de la National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Lieu de publication


Fr Du Bois, W. E. B. (Etats-Unis)
Fr National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Fr Villard, Oswald Garrison (Etats-Unis)
Fr Barber, Jesse Max (Etats-Unis)
Fr Russell, Charles Edward (Etats-Unis)
Fr Miller, Kelly (Etats-Unis)
Fr Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont (Etats-Unis)
Fr Dunlop Maclean, Mary (Etats-Unis)
Fr Wilkins, Roy (Etats-Unis)
Fr Ivy, James W. (Etats-Unis)
Fr Moon, Henry Lee (Etats-Unis)
Fr Marr II, Warren Q. (Etats-Unis)
Fr Higgins, Chester A. (Etats-Unis)
Fr Ward, Maybelle (Etats-Unis)
Fr H. B. Cassell, Nathaniel

Auteurs édités

Fr Tagore, Rabindranath (Inde)

Dates de publication

Fr 1910


Fr 253003

Références bibliographiques

Fr Bell, Roseann Pope. The Crisis and Opportunity magazines. Reflections of a black culture, 1920-1930. Th. doct. : Emory University, 1974.
Fr Churchill, Suzanne W. et al. “Youth Culture in The Crisis and Fire!!” The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies, 2010, n°1(1), p. 64-99.
Fr Dzanouni, Lamia, Le Dantec-Lowry, Hélène, Parfait, Claire. "From One Crisis to the Other: History and Literature in The Crisis from 1910 to the Early 1920s”. European Journal of American Studies, 2016, n°11(1).
Fr Farebrother, Rachel. "Nationalism and Internationalism in The Crisis – Nationalisme et internationalisme dans The Crisis". In Aji, Hélène, Mansanti, Céline, Tadié, Benoît. Dir. Revues modernistes, revues engages. 1900-1939. Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011.
Fr Farebrother, Rachel. “The Crisis”. In Brooker, Peter, Thacker, Andrew. Éds. The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines Volume II: North America 1894-1960. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012, p. 103-124.
Fr Farebrother, Rachel. “’The Lesson Which India is Today Teaching the World’: Nationalism and Internationalism in The Crisis, 1910-1934”. Journal of American Studies, 2012, n°46(3), p. 603-623.
Fr Johnson, Brian. Du Bois on Reform. Periodical-based Leadership for African Americans. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.
Fr Kirschke, Amy Helene. Art in Crisis. W.E.B. Du Bois and the Struggle for African American Identity and Memory. Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 2007.
Fr Kirschke, Amy Helene, Sinitiere, Phillip Luke. Éds. Protest and Propaganda: W. E. B. Du Bois, the CRISIS, and American History. Columbia : University of Missouri Press, 2014.
Fr Mallocci, Martina. “’All Art is Propaganda’: W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Crisis and the Construction of a Black Public Image”. Journal Of American History and Politics, 2018, n°1.
Fr Rudwick, Elliott M. “W.E.B. Du Bois in the Role of Crisis Editor”. Journal of Negro History, 1958, n°43(3), p. 214-240.

Pour citer cette ressource

Du Bois, W. E. B. (Etats-Unis), "The Crisis", SISMO (Portail Mondial des Revues), consulté le 31 mars 2025,