Te Wananga


Fr Te Wananga
Fr He Panuitanga tena kia kite koutou
Fr Le Forum


Fr Organe du "Repudiation Movement" de Hawke’s Bay, initié en 1871 par Hēnare Matua.

Lieu de publication


Fr White, John (Angleterre)
Fr Sheehan, John (Nouvelle-Zélande)

Sujets géographiques


Fr Maoris (peuple de Nouvelle-Zélande)

Dates de publication

Fr 1874 - 1878


Fr 252210

Références bibliographiques

Fr Ballantyne, Tony. Webs of Empire: Locating New Zealand’s Colonial Past. Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 2014.
Fr Curnow, Jenifer, Hopa, Ngapare, McRae, Jane. éds. Rere atu, taku manu! Discovering history, language and politics in the Māori-language newspapers. Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2002.
Fr Curnow, Jenifer. "A Brief History of Maori-Language Newspapers". In Curnow, Jenifer, Hopa, Ngapare, McRae, Jane. éds. Rere atu, taku manu! : discovering history, language and politics in the Māori-language newspapers. Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2002.
Fr Griffith, Penelope, Harvey, D. R., Maslen, K. I. D. Book & Print in New Zealand: a guide to print culture in Aotearoa. Charlottesville : University of Virginia Library, 2001.
Fr Griffith, Penelope, Parkinson, Phil G. Books in Māori, 1815-1900. An annotated bibliography. Ngā tānga reo Māori. Auckland : Reed, 2004.
Fr Kāretu, Tīmoti. "Maori Print Culture: The Newspapers". In Curnow, Jenifer, Hopa, Ngapare, McRae, Jane. éds. Rere atu, taku manu! : discovering history, language and politics in the Māori-language newspapers. Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2002.
Fr Keegan, Te Taka et al. "The Niupepa Collection: Opening the Blinds on a Window to the Past". In Bearman, D., Garzotto, F. éds. Proceedings of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting ICHIM01. Milano ; Pittsburgh : Archives & Museum Informatics, 2001, p.347-356.
Fr Kirkpatrick, Rod. "Pacific Rim Cultures and Newspapers". In Martin, Shannon E., Copeland, David A. éds. The Function of Newspapers in Society: a Global Perspective. Westport : Praeger, 2003.
Fr McRae, Jane. “E manu, tena koe!’ ‘O bird, greetings to you !’: The Oral Tradition in Newspaper Writing”. In Curnow, Jenifer, Hopa, Ngapare, McRae, Jane. éds. Rere atu, taku manu! : discovering history, language and politics in the Māori-language newspapers. Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2002.
Fr McRae, Jane. “Māori newspapers and magazines—ngā niupepa me ngā moheni—Role of Māori newspapers. Te Ara”. The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 2014.
Fr O’Malley, Vincent. Agents of autonomy. Maori committees in the nineteenth century. Huia Publishers : Wellington, 1998.
Fr Paterson, Lachy. “Kiri Mā, Kiri Mangu: The Terminology of Race and Civilisation in the Mid-Nineteeth-Century Maori-Language Newspapers”. In Curnow, Jenifer, Hopa, Ngapare, McRae, Jane. éds. Rere atu, taku manu! : discovering history, language and politics in the Māori-language newspapers. Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2002.
Fr Paterson, Lachy. Colonial discourses: niupepa Māori 1855-1863. Otago : Otago University Press, 2006.
Fr Paterson, Lachy. “Print culture and the collective Māori consciousness”. Journal of New Zealand Literature, 2010, n°28-2, p. 105-129.
Fr Paterson, Lachy. “Visual identity in Niupepa Māori nameplates and title-pages: From traditional to aspirational”. Script & Print, 2014, n°38-2, p. 67-79.
Fr Waymouth, Lyn. “Parliamentary Representation for Maori: Debate and Ideology in Te Wananga and Te Waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 1874-8”. In Curnow, Jenifer, Hopa, Ngapare, McRae, Jane. éds. Rere atu, taku manu! : discovering history, language and politics in the Māori-language newspapers. Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2002.
Fr Whaanga, Hēmi, Wehi, Priscilla. "Rāhui and conservation? Māori voices in the nineteenth century niupepa Māori”. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 2017, n°47-1, p. 100-106
Fr Williams, Sheila. “The Maori Language Printed Collections”. Turnbull Library Record, 1990, n°23-1, p. 12-18.

Pour citer cette ressource

Repudiation Movement, "Te Wananga", SISMO (Portail Mondial des Revues), consulté le 03 mars 2025, https://sismo.inha.fr/s/fr/journal/252210