Cherokee Phoenix


Fr Cherokee Phoenix
Fr Tsalagi Tsulehisanvh


Fr Premier journal en langue cherokee.

Lieu de publication


Fr Boudinot, Elias (Etats-Unis)
Fr Worcester, Samuel Austin (Etats-Unis)

Dates de publication

Fr 1828 - 1834


Fr 252022

Références bibliographiques

Fr Anderson, Karen Jo. The Cherokee Phoenix: First Native American Newspaper. Mém. Mast.: University of Texas at Austin, 1977.
Fr Brannon, Frank. Cherokee Phoenix, Advent of a Newspaper: The Print Shop of the Cherokee Nation 1828-1834, with a Chronology. Tuscaloosa : SpeakEasy Press, 2005.
Fr Bozzo, Mélanie. The Cherokee Phoenix and the Indian Removal Act: The Cherokee’s Newspaper as a Tool Against Removal. Mém. Mast. : Université Toulouse 2, 2011.
Fr Carlton, Andrew Doyal. The Cherokee Phoenix and Indian Advocate: Its Response to Arguments for Cherokee Removal, 1828-1834. Mém. Mast. : Georgia State University, 1996.
Fr Cushman, Ellen. The Cherokee syllabary. Writing the people’s perseverance. Norman : University of Okahoma Press, 2011.
Fr Danky, James P., éd. Native American Periodicals and Newspapers, 1828-1982. Wesport : Greenwood Press, 1984.
Fr Gaul, Theresa Strouth. "Editing as Indian performance: Elias Boudinot, poetry, and the Cherokee". In Bellin, Joshua David, Mielke, Laura L. éds. Native Acts. Indian Performance, 1603-1832. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2011.
Fr Landini, Ann Lackey. The Cherokee Phoenix. The Voice of the Cherokee Nation, 1828-1834. Th. Doct. : University of Tennessee, 1990.
Fr Littlefield, Daniel F., Parins, James W. American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals, 1826-1924, Vol.1. Wesport : Greenwood Port, 1984.
Fr Murphy, James E. et Murphy, Sharon M. Let My People Know: American Indian Journalism, 1828-1978. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1981.
Fr Parins, James W. "The English-Language Native Press in the Nineteenth Century". Victorian Periodicals Review, 1985, n°18-1, p. 17-33.
Fr Parins, James W. Literacy and intellectual life in the Cherokee nation, 1820-1906. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2013.
Fr Perdue, Theda. "Rising from the Ashes: The Cherokee Phoenix as an Ethnohistorical Source". Ethnohistory, 1977, n°24-3, p. 207-218.
Fr Røos, Gabriela Raquel. "Un-learning the ‘pictures in our heads’: teaching the Cherokee Phoenix, Boudinot, and Cherokee history". In King, Lisa, Gubele, Rose, Anderson, Joyce Rain, éds. Survivance, Sovereignty, and Story. Teaching American Indian Rhetorics. Logan : Utah State University Press, 2015.
Fr Richards, H.A. A cry in the wilderness: Persuasion in the Cherokee Phoenix. Mém. Mast. : University of Georgia, 1998.
Fr Ross-Mulkey, Mikhelle Lynn. Locating the Resiliency & Survivance in the Cherokee Phoenix. Mém. Mast. : The University of Arizona, 2010.
Fr Ross-Mulkey, Mikhelle Lynn. "The Cherokee Phoenix: Resistance and Accomodation". Native South, 2012, n°5-1, p. 123-148.
Fr Wagner, Jesse Ryan. Reprinting Russia: Anti-Imperial Discourse in Elias Boudinot’s Cherokee Phoenix. Mém. Mast. : North Dakota State University, 2017.

Pour citer cette ressource

Boudinot, Elias (Etats-Unis), "Cherokee Phoenix", SISMO (Portail Mondial des Revues), consulté le 03 mars 2025,