

Fr Quest
Fr A bi-monthly of arts and ideas ; An Adventure of Ideas ; A quarterly of inquiry, criticism and ideas : Incorporating Humanist Review


Fr Revue fondée par le Congrès pour la liberté de la culture, association anticommuniste financée par la CIA. Cette dernière impulse la création de plusieurs revues culturelles dans le monde pendant la guerre froide. La revue change de sous-titre à plusieurs reprises : A bi-monthly of arts and ideas (1955-1958) An Adventure of Ideas (1958-1964) A Quarterly of Inquiry, Criticism and Ideas (1965-1970) Incorporating Humanist Review. A bimonthly of Inquiry, Criticism and Ideas (1971-1976)

Lieu de publication


Fr Ezekiel, Nissim (Inde)
Fr Ayyub, Abu Sayeed (Inde)
Fr Chaudhuri, Nirad C. (Inde)
Fr Ali, Agha Shahid (Inde/Etats-Unis)
Fr Mahapatra, Jayanta (Inde)
Fr Deshpande, Gauri (Inde)
Fr Ramanujan, Attipate Krishnaswami (Inde)
Fr Nagarkar, Kiran (Inde)

Dates de publication

Fr 1955 - 1976


Fr 257977

Références bibliographiques

En Prabhala, Achal. Ed. The Best of Quest. Chennai : Tranquebar Press, 2011.
En Krätli, Graziano. "Crossing points and connecting lines: Nissim Ezekiel and Dom Moraes in Bombay and beyond". Journal of Postcolonial Writing, n°53(1-2), 2017, p. 176-189.
En Pullin, Eric. "Quest: Twenty Years of Cultural Politics". In Scott-Smith, Giles. Lerg, Charlotte A. Eds. Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War. The Journals of the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
En Vazquez, Michael C. "The Bequest of Quest". Bidoun, n°26, 2011.
En Whitney, Joel. Finks : how the CIA tricked the world’s best writers. New York : OR Books, 2016.
En Zecchini, Laetitia. What Filters Through the Curtain : Reconsidering Indian Modernisms, Travelling Literatures, and Little Magazines in a Cold War Context, Interventions 2022
En Zecchini, Laetitia. The Meanings, Forms and Exercise of ‘Freedom’: The Indian PEN and the Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom (1930s-1960s), The Form of Ideology and the Ideology of Form: Cold War, Decolonization and Third World Print Cultures 2022

Pour citer cette ressource

Ezekiel, Nissim (Inde), "Quest", SISMO (Portail Mondial des Revues), consulté le 23 février 2025,