The Native Voice


Fr The Native Voice
Fr Official Organ of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia


Fr Organe de la Native Brotherhood of British Columbia et première revue autochtone au Canada. Elle est fondée par Maisie Hurley, activiste d’origine galloise, à la demande du Chef Haida Alfred Adams.

Lieu de publication


Fr Hurley, Maisie (Canada)
Fr Adams, Alfred (Canada)

Dates de publication

Fr 1946 - 1997


Fr 258211

Sources en ligne

Références bibliographiques

Fr Best, Elizabeth. Writing Activism: Indigenous Newsprint Media in the Era of Red Power. Mém. Mast. : Wilfrid Laurier University, 2017.
Fr Buddle, Kathleen. "Shooting the messenger: historical impediments to the mediation of modern aboriginality in Ontario". The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, n°XXII(1), 2002, p. 97-160.
Fr Jamieson, Eric. The Native Voice. The Story of How Maisie Hurley and Canada’s First Aboriginal Newspaper Changed a Nation. Halfmoon Bay : Caitlin Press, 2016.
Fr Goodman, John. "The Native Voice made its own headlines. Q and A with author Eric Jamieson about Maisie Hurley’s Aboriginal newspaper". North Shore News, 2017.
Fr Avison, Shannon. Meadows, Michael. "Speaking and Hearing: Aboriginal Newspapers and the Public Sphere in Canada and Australia". Avison, n°25(3), 2000.

Pour citer cette ressource

Hurley, Maisie (Canada), "The Native Voice", SISMO (Portail Mondial des Revues), consulté le 23 février 2025,