The Forum


Fr The Forum
Fr A Quarterly Review
Fr The Forum Quarterly


Fr Organe du Forum Club.

Publishing location


Fr The Forum Club (Barbade)
Fr Bell, Gordon (Barbade)
Fr Lewis, K. C. (Barbade)
Fr Hope, J. C. (Barbade)
Fr Vaughan, H. A. (Barbade)

Edited Authors

Fr McKay, Claude (Jamaïque)
Fr Hughes, Langston (Etats-Unis)

Geographic subjects

Date Issued

Fr 1931 - 1945



Fr 259819

Bibliographical references

Fr Chamberlain, Mary. Empire and Nation-Building in the Caribbean. Barbados, 1937-66. Oxford : Manchester University Press, 2014.
Fr Irving, Claire Catherine. Printing the West Indies: Literary magazines and the Anglophone Caribbean 1920s-1950s. Th. doct. : Newcastle University, 2015.
Fr Wade, Carl. "A Forgotten Forum: The Forum Quarterly and the Development of West Indian Literature", Caribbean Quarterly, n°50(3), 2004, p. 63-73

To cite this resource

The Forum Club (Barbade), "The Forum", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 22 February 2025,