

Fr Trinidad
Fr Trinité


Fr Deux numéros. C.L.R. James fut une figure mondiale, militant de la révolution prolétarienne mondiale et anti-impérialiste, auteur de nombreux ouvrages, dont “The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution ” (1938) sur la révolution haïtienne.

Publishing location

Fr Port-d'Espagne


Fr James, C. L. R. (Trinité-et-Tobago)
Fr Mendes, Alfred Hubert (Trinité-et-Tobago)

Geographic subjects

Fr Région caraïbe
Fr Trinité-et-Tobago

Date Issued

Fr 1929 - 1930



Fr 259815

Bibliographical references

Fr Carr, Robert. Black Nationalism in the New World. Reading the African-American and West Indian Experience. Durham ; London : Duke University Press, 2002.
Fr Irving, Claire Catherine. Printing the West Indies: Literary magazines and the Anglophone Caribbean 1920s-1950s. Th. doct. : Newcastle University, 2015.
Fr Rosenberg, Leah Reade. Nationalism and the Formation of Caribbean Literature. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Fr Sander, Reinhard W. Ed. From Trinidad : an anthology of early West Indian writing. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1978.
Fr Sander, Reinhard W. The Trinidad Awakening. West Indian Literature of the Nineteen-Thirties. New York : Greenwood Press, 1988.
Fr Donnell, Alison. Welsh, Sarah Lawson. Eds. Routledge Reader in Caribbean Literature.. London : Routledge, 1996.
Fr Donnell, Alison. Twentieth-Century Caribbean Literature: Critical Moments in Anglophone Literary History. London : Routledge, 2005.
Fr Peake, Jak. Between the Bocas. A Literary Geography of Western Trinidad. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2018.

To cite this resource

James, C. L. R. (Trinité-et-Tobago), "Trinidad", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 22 February 2025,