The Alaska Fisherman


Fr The Alaska Fisherman


Fr Revue de la Alaska Native Brotherhood. Egalement première revue autochtone d’Alaska. Son mot d’ordre est "L’Alaska aux Alaskiens".

Publishing location


Fr Paul, William Lewis (Etats-Unis)
Fr Paul, Louis F. (Etats-Unis)

Geographic subjects


Date Issued

Fr 1923 - 1932



Fr 258399

Bibliographical references

Fr Beverly, James. "The Alaska Fisherman and the Paradox of Assimilation: Progress, Power, and the Preservation of Culture". Native Press Research Journal, n°5, 1987, p. 2-25.
Fr Daley, Patrick J. James, Beverly, A. Cultural Politics and the Mass Media. Alaska Native Voices. Urbana ; Chicago : University of Illinois Press, 2004.
Fr Metcalfe, Peter. A Dangerous Idea. The Alaska Native Brotherhood and the Struggle for Indigenous Rights. Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 2014.
Fr Parins, James W. "The English-Language Native Press in the Nineteenth Century". Victorian Periodicals Review, 1985, n°18-1, p. 17-33.

To cite this resource

Paul, William Lewis (Etats-Unis), "The Alaska Fisherman", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 23 October 2024,