The Anglo-African Magazine


Fr The Anglo-African Magazine


Fr Un hebdomadaire, “The Weekly Anglo-African”, est publié en même temps que le mensuel.

Publishing location


Fr Hamilton, Thomas (Etats-Unis)
Fr Delany, Martin Robison (Etats-Unis)
Fr Douglass, Frederick (Etats-Unis)
Fr Douglass, Sarah Mapps (Etats-Unis)
Fr Harper, Frances (Etats-Unis)
Fr Langston, John Mercer (Etats-Unis)
Fr McCune Smith, James (Etats-Unis)
Fr Payne, Daniel Alexander(Etats-Unis)
Fr Shadd Cary, Mary Ann (Etats-Unis)

Geographic subjects


Fr Mouvements antiesclavagistes

Date Issued

Fr 1859 - 1860



Fr 257067

Bibliographical references

Fr Bilbija, Marina. "The Anglo-African Newspaper". Oxford Bibliographies, 2016.
Fr Bullock, Penelope L. The Afro-American Periodical Press, 1838-1909. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, 1981.
Fr Burks, Mary Fair. “The First Black Literary Magazine in American Letters”. CLA Journal, 1975, n°21, p. 318-320.
Fr Daniel, Walter C. Black Journals of the United States. Westport : Greenwood, 1982.
Fr Dann, Martin E. The Black Press, 1827–1890. The Quest for National Identity. New York : Putnam, 1971.
Fr Fagan, Benjamin. The Black Newspaper and the Chosen Nation. Georgia, University of Georgia Press, 2016.
Fr Fagan, Benjamin. "Blake and the Black Newspaper". American Periodicals. A Journal of History & Criticism, 2018, n°28(1), p. 78-80.
Fr Fielder, Brigitte, Smith, Cassander, Spires, Derrick R. "Weekly Anglo-African and The Pine and Palm (1861-1862)". Just Teach One : Early African American Print, 2018, n°4.
Fr Gardner, Eric. Black Print Unbound: The Christian Recorder, African American Literature, and Periodical Culture. New York : Oxford University Press, 2015.
Fr Hernandez, Amanda. "The Early Black Press and Social Obligation to Abolish Slavery". Oshkosh Scholar, 2009, n°4, p. 62-70.
Fr Hutton, Frankie. The Early Black Press in America, 1827 to 1860. Westport ; London : Greenwood, 1993.
Fr Jackson, Debra. “‘A Cultural Stronghold’: The Anglo-African Newspaper and the Black Community of New York”. New York History, 2004, n°85(4), p. 331-357.
Fr Jackson, Debra. “A Black Journalist in Civil War Virginia: Robert Hamilton and the ‘Anglo- African’". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 2008, n°116(1), p. 42-72.
Fr Penn, Irving Garland. The Afro American Press and Its Editors. Springfield : Willey & Co, 1891.
Fr Pride, Amistead S., Wilson, Clint C. A History of the Black Press. Washington : Howard University Press, 1987.
Fr Washburn, Patrick S. The African American Newspaper. Voice of Freedom. Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 2006.
Fr Wilson, Ivy G. “The Brief Wondrous Life of the Anglo- African Magazine: Or, Antebellum African American Editorial Practice and Its Afterlives.” In Hutchinson, George, Young, John K. Éds. Publishing Blackness: Textual Constructions of Race since 1850. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013, p. 18-38.

To cite this resource

Hamilton, Thomas (Etats-Unis), "The Anglo-African Magazine", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 23 October 2024,