

Fr Tarim
Fr تارىم
Fr Talimu
Fr Ayliq ădăbi zhurnal
Fr Tarim. Mensuel littéraire


Fr Revue littéraire majeure au statut presque officiel qui a pour intérêt d’être en langue ouïgour (peuple apparenté aux ouzbek de tradition turkmène).

Publishing location


Fr Maison d’édition populaire du Xinjiang (Chine)

Geographic subjects


Fr Ouïgours (peuple turc)

Date Issued

Fr 1950



Fr 255099

Bibliographical references

Fr Dwyer, Arienne M. The Xinjiang Conflict: Uyghur Identity, Language Policy, and Political Discourse. Washington : East-West Center Washington, 2005.
Fr Friederich, Michael. "Uyghur Literary Representations of Xinjiang Realities". In Bellér-Hann, Ildikó, Césàro, M. Christina, Harris, Rachel, Smith Finley, Joanne. Éds. Situating the Uyghurs Between China and Central Asia. Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, 2016.
Fr Light, Nathan. "Annotated Bibliography of the History and Culture of Eastern Turkistan, Jungharia/Zungaria/Dzungaria, Chinese Central Asia, and Sinkiang/Xinjiang (for the 16th-20th centuries CE, excluding most travel narratives)". The Silk Road, 2005, n°3(1), p. 28-49.
Fr Light, Nathan. Intimate Heritage: Creating Uyghur Muqam Song in Xinjiang. Berlin ; London : Global Distributor, 2008.
Fr Thum, Rian Richard. The Sacred Routes of Uyghur History. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2014.

To cite this resource

Maison d’édition populaire du Xinjiang (Chine), "Tarim", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 31 March 2025, https://sismo.inha.fr/s/en/journal/255099