The Menorah Journal


Fr The Menorah Journal
Fr For the study and advancement of Jewish culture and ideals


Fr Organe de la Intercollegiate Menorah Association, réunissant des étudiants et universitaires qui ont pour objectif "la promotion, dans les collèges et universités américaines, de l’étude de l’histoire, de la culture et des problèmes du peuple juif, et le développement de la pensée juive".

Publishing location


Fr Intercollegiate Menorah Association
Fr Hurwitz, Henry (Etats-Unis/Lituanie)
Fr Wolfson, Harry Austryn (Etats-Unis)
Fr Kallen, Horace (Etats-Unis)

Geographic subjects


Date Issued

Fr 1915 - 1962



Fr 252980

Bibliographical references

Fr Fried, Lewis. "The Menorah Journal: Yavneh in America, 1945-1950". The American Jewish Archives Journal, 1998, n°50(1-2).
Fr Fried, Lewis."Henry Hurwitz, ‘The Menorah Journal,’ and the Last Years of an American Romance". The Massachusetts Review, 2003, n°44(1-2), p. 283-307.
Fr Greene, Daniel. The Jewish Origins of Cultural Pluralism. The Menorah Association and American Diversity. Bloomington : Indian University Press, 2011.
Fr Kaufman, Matthew. "The Menorah Journal and Shaping American Jewish Identity: Culture and Evolutionary Sociology". Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 2012, n°30(4), p. 61-79.
Fr Krupnick, Marc. "The Menorah Journal group and the origins of modern Jewish-American radicalism". Studies in American Jewish Literature, 1979, n°5(2), p. 56-67.
Fr Pappas, Andrea. "The Picture at Menorah Journal: Making ‘Jewish Art’". American Jewish History, 2002, n°90(3), p. 205-238.

To cite this resource

Intercollegiate Menorah Association, "The Menorah Journal", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 31 March 2025,