The Colored American Magazine


Fr The Colored American Magazine

Publishing location


Fr Hopkins, Pauline (Etats-Unis)
Fr Wallace, Walter (Etats-Unis)
Fr Watkins, Jesse W. (Etats-Unis)
Fr Fortune, Harper S. (Etats-Unis)
Fr Johnson, Walter Alexander (Etats-Unis)
Fr Moore, Fred Randolph (Etats-Unis)
Fr Washington, Booker T. (Etats-Unis)

Geographic subjects


Fr Etudes sur le genre

Date Issued

Fr 1900 - 1909



Fr 252923

Bibliographical references

Fr Brown, Lois. Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins. Black Daughter of the Revolution. Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2008.
Fr Cho, Yu-Fang. “Cultural Nationalism, Orientalism, Imperial Ambivalence: The Colored American Magazine and Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins”. Journal of Transnational American Studies, 2011, n°3(2).
Fr Du Bois, W.E.B. “The Colored Magazine in America”. The Crisis, n°5(1), 1912, p. 33-35.
Fr Elliot, R.S. “The Story of Our Magazine”. Colored American Magazine, n°3(1), 1901, p. 43-77.
Fr Johnson, Abby Arthur. Johnson, Ronald. Propaganda and Aesthetics: The Literary Politics of African-American Magazines in the Twentieth Century. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 1991.
Fr Matter-Seibel, Sabine. “Pauline Hopkins’s Portrayal of the African-American New Woman in Contending Forces and the Coloured American Magazine”. In Heilmann, Ann. Éd. Feminist Forerunners. Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London : Rivers Oram, 2001, p. 76-86.
Fr Nurhussein, Nadia. “"THE HAND OF MYSTICISM" Ethiopianist Writing in Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood and the Colored American Magazine”. Callaloo, 2010, n°33(1), p. 278-289.
Fr Schneider, Mark R. “The ’Colored American’ and ’Alexander’s’: Boston’s Pro-Civil Rights Bookerites”. The Journal of Negro History, 1995, n°80(4), p. 157-169.

To cite this resource

Hopkins, Pauline (Etats-Unis), "The Colored American Magazine", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 22 February 2025,