Xiaoshuo yuebao


Fr Xiaoshuo yuebao
Fr Xiao shuo yue bao
Fr 小說月報
Fr The Short Story Magazine


Fr Recueil de romans, nouvelles et traductions des plus grands auteurs chinois de la première moitié du XXe siècle.

Publishing location


Fr Société littéraire de recherche (Chine)
Fr Wang, Yunzhang (Chine)
Fr Yun, Tieqiao (Chine)
Fr Mao, Dun (Chine)
Fr Zheng, Zhenduo (Chine)
Fr Zhang, Yuanji (Chine)
Fr Huang, Yanpei (Chine)
Fr Feikui, Lu (Taïwan)
Fr Sen, Meng (Chine)
Fr Liu, Yazi (Chine)
Fr Xu, Zhuodai (Chine)
Fr Ban, Tianxio (Chine)

Edited Authors

Fr Lu, Xun (Chine)
Fr Tagore, Rabindranath (Inde)

Geographic subjects


Date Issued

Fr 1910 - 1931



Fr 252798

Bibliographical references

Fr Drège, Jean-Pierre. La Commercial Press de Shanghai, 1897-1949. Paris : Collège de France, 1978.
Fr Gimpel, Denise. “Beyond Butterflies: Some Observations on the Early Years of Xiaoshuo yuebao”. In Hockx, Michel. Éd. The Literary Field of Twentieth-Century China. Richmond : Curzon, 1999, p. 40-60.
Fr Gimpel, Denise. "A Neglected Medium: The Literary Journal and the Case of "The Short Story Magazine" (Xiaoshuo yuebao), 1910-1914". Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 1999, n°11(2), p. 53-106.
Fr Gimpel, Denise. "Xiaoshuo yuebao and the Introduction and Discussion of the West (1910–1914)". NOAG, 1999, n°165-166.
Fr Gimpel, Denise. “More Than Butterflies: Short Fiction in the Early Years of the Literary Journal Xiaoshuo yuebao”. In Findeisen, Raoul D., Gassmann, Robert H. Éds. Autumn Floods: Essays in Honour of Marián Gálik. Bern : Peter Lang, 1998, p. 243-260.
Fr Gimpel, Denise. Lost Voices of Modernity. A Chinese Popular Fiction Magazine in Context. Honolulu : University of Hawai’i Press, 2002.
Fr Mingli, Fan. “Xiaoshuo yuebao”. In Shouhe, Ding. Éd. Xinhai geming shiqi qikan jieshao [An introduction to periodicals of the 1911 era]. Beijing : Renmin chubanshe, 1983, p. 82-109.

To cite this resource

Société littéraire de recherche (Chine), "Xiaoshuo yuebao", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 15 January 2025, https://sismo.inha.fr/s/en/item/7739