The Quarterly Journal of the Society of American Indians


Fr The Quarterly Journal of the Society of American Indians


Fr Précède “The American Indian Magazine”

Publishing location


Fr The Society of American Indians (Etats-Unis)
Fr Parker, Arthur C. (Etats-Unis)
Fr Cloud, Henry Roe (Etats-Unis)
Fr Coolidge, Sherman (Etats-Unis)
Fr Gansworth, Howard E. (Etats-Unis)
Fr Montezuma, Carlos
Fr Oskison, John Milton (Etats-Unis)

Edited Authors

Fr Zitkala-Ša (Etats-Unis)
Fr Wheelock, Dennison (Etats-Unis)
Fr Eastman, Charles (Etats-Unis)

Geographic subjects


Date Issued

Fr 1913 - 1915



Fr 252065

Bibliographical references

Fr Hertzberg, Hazel W. The Search for an American Indian Identity: Modern Pan-Indian Movements. Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 1981.
Fr Maddox, Lucy. Citizen Indians: Native American Intellectuals, Race, and Reform. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2005.
Fr Misiarz, Radosław. "The Society of American Indians and the ‘Indian question,’ 1911-1923". Białostockie Teki Historyczne, 2016, n°14, p. 91-109.
Fr Patterson, Michelle Wick. "Real Indian Songs: The Society of American Indians and the Use of Native American". The American Indian Quarterly, 2002, n°26-1, p. 44-66.
Fr Smithers, Gregory D. "The Soul of Unity: The Quarterly Journal of the Society of American Indians, 1913–1915". American Indian Quarterly, 2013, n°37-3, p. 263-289.
Fr Warrior, Robert. "The SAI and the End(s) of Intellectual History". The American Indian Quarterly, 2013, n°37-3, p. 218-235.

To cite this resource

The Society of American Indians (Etats-Unis), "The Quarterly Journal of the Society of American Indians", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 22 February 2025,