

Fr Negin
Fr Nigīn
Fr نگين
Fr Le Joyau


Fr Cette revue de littérature internationale propose des traductions vers l’arabe d’écrivains mondialement reconnus.

Publishing location


Fr Enayat, Mahmood (Iran)

Edited Authors

Fr García Márquez, Gabriel (Colombie)
Fr Hemingway, Ernest (Etats-Unis)
Fr Poe, Edgar Allan (Etats-Unis)
Fr Shakespeare, William (Royaume-Uni)

Geographic subjects

Date Issued

Fr 1970 - 1978


Fr Persan Moderne (Iranien, Farsi)


Fr 253420

Bibliographical references

Fr Gheissari, Ali. Iranian Intellectuals in the Twentieth Century. Austin : University of Texas Press, 1998.
Fr Karami, Amin, Navabakhsh, Mehrdad, Vosooghi, Mansour, Mahdavi, Seyed Mohammad Sadegh. “A Sociological Study and Classification of Intellectuals in the Intellectual Field of Iran and the Role of this Field in the Process of Democratization of Culture from 1963 to the 1979 Revolution”. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 2016, n°3(2), p. 38-48.

To cite this resource

Enayat, Mahmood (Iran), "Negin", SISMO (Global Journals Portal), consulted on 23 January 2025,